A secret agent story that doesn't take itself too seriously
This is a text based choose your own adventure games that puts you into the heart of a spy story. Read a page of action, pick an option and see where the story leads. Some decisions will lead to some pretty dumb ways to die and others will lead you on the case of an international criminal mastermind.
Like all good secret agent stories you'll be faced with lots of sex, alcohol and violence but it's not exactly James Bond. Get too frisky with the receptionist and you could get sacked for sexual harassment. It's like 007 in the real world, where girls don't just fall into your lap and you have to treat women with respect.
La historia
Chapter One - A routine meeting with an informant goes badly wrong and you're catapulted into a huge mission.
Chapter Two - Your secret agent skills are pushed as you start to investigate a huge criminal conspiracy.
Chapter Three - You end up at the Statue of Liberty in New York as you close in on the crime network that could take over the world
This is the free version of Secret Agent You Decide. It includes the first three chapters of this spy story. The final three chapters of the story are available in the complete version of the game: Secret Agent You Decide PREMIUM.
Descargue esta aplicación si lo desea ...
Este es el tipo de historia que disfrutarías si te gustan las películas de James Bond 007, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, cualquiera de las películas de Bourne, Spy duro y si disfrutas de historias divertidas sobre agentes secretos tontos.
Tú decides juegos
This game is made by You Decide Games. They are choose your own adventure games which don't take themselves too seriously. Si bien el estilo de baja tecnología apenas te hará volar, las historias divertidas te mantendrán entretenido. Están escritos por James Winterbottom, autor de la novela de alguien más.
It's like choose your own adventure stories for grown ups, interactive fiction with a funny edge to it.
This game is rated as mature because there's some bad language and adult themes. Please only download this if you're not going to be offended easily. Or if you are easily offended but like to complain then download it and send me outraged emails, I always love it when that happens.
Ponerse en contacto
https://plus.google.com/b/104623349479890946189/104623349479890946189/posts (You Decide Games Google Plus Page)
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¡En nuestro sitio web puedes descargar fácilmente la última versión de Secret Agent You Decide FREE! ¡No es necesario registrarse ni enviar SMS!